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NSNG Week 4| No Sugar No Grains Diet Blog

In this series I will be chronicling my experience on the No Sugar, No Grain (NSNG) diet. If you want to learn more about NSNG read Vinnie Tortorich's book, Fitness Confidential and for ideas of what to eat on NSNG, checkout Anna Vocino's Book Eat Happy.

I'm 4 weeks into going cold turkey on No Sugar No Grains (NSNG) and today I quickly want to touch on a very exciting trend that has been helping me crush my workouts.

Before starting NSNG I would get home from work and be STARVING, which usually lead to me stuffing my face, which lead to me feeling bloated and putting off my workout or worse working out while feeling too full and bloated.

Jumping rope

But since I kicked the sugars and grains and added a lot more fat (like avocado and cheese) into my diet, i rarely "feel hungry" and I have more energy then ever before. So now when I get home I do NOT need to eat anything usually. If anything, I'll eat a few nuts or a piece of cheese.

The result? I have zero bloat during my workouts. Even more exciting, is my endurance is way up! I'm doing an hour plus jumping rope and if i had the time I feel like I could go another hour.

Next week I'll be back with another food journal on what I've been eating while on NSNG. But if you are thinking of starting NSNG, or just want to reduce the sugar and carbs in your diet, but still want to eat tasty food, I Cannot recommend Anna Voicino's Book, Eat Happy, Highly enough! It has been a game changer for me.

To check out Eat Happy, click the picture below.

For our Canadian readers, click here. For our UK Readers, Click here

Gluten free, grain free, low carb recipes


This blog is to share with you, my fitness journey that me and my soon to be wife are on. I will share what we have been eating, workouts I'll be doing and lots of other fitness related things that work for US. 

I'm not saying this is what you should do necessarily, but i hope to inspire folks to think and ask questions about their health and fitness.

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