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5 Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet

Ketogenic Diets have been getting a lot of attention in the media recently (for good reason). If you have been following this blog closely, you know I have been following the "No Sugar, No Grain" (NSNG) Diet, which definitely follows similar principals of a "ketogenic diet" which is a Low carb, High Fat diet.

Since starting this kind of diet I have been doing a lot more research (googling) on Ketogenic diets. I recently came across this article by Kris Gunnars, titled "10 Benefits of a Low-carb and Ketogenic Diets". I thought I would take this time to touch on 5 of the benefits of my NSNG/Keto diet that I have or have not had personal experience with.

1. Ketogenic Diets "Kill your appetite" in A good Way.

This Has been my experience, 100%! The most dramatic difference I have noticed since starting NSNG is that all my "hunger pains" went away! I used to have breakfast at 7:00 and by 10:00 I would be STARVING and craving food to the point it was hard to focus unless I got a snack. 2 months into NSNG, I have breakfast at 7:00 and I don't even think about eating until 12:00.

If you are thinking of starting a Ketogenic Diet I Highly recommend giving the book "The Keto Reset Diet: Reboot Your Metabolism in 21 Days and Burn Fat Forever" A read. This book gives you a fantastic overview of the Keto Diet and provides a lot of good practical advice and recipes! To order it on Amazon, click the picture below or click here

The Keto Reset Diet

2. Ketogenic Diets Help with Weight Loss

Again, my experience has been that this is true in my case. I was pretty far into my "Fitness Journey" when I started NSNG. I was working out 5-6 days a week and I had naturally begun cutting out a large amount of the grains and sugars in my diet. However, since starting NSNG I have been extra strict about eliminating practically ALL grains and sugars (outside of fruit) from my diet. I must say, I have lost an inch or two off my waist and my abs are showing like never before so in my experience the Keto/NSNG Diet has really helped me burn fat!

3. A Greater proportion of Fat Loss comes from the Abdominal Area

Not much I can say here that i did not cover in point 2 but yes I agree this has been the case for me, my abs have never been more defined!

If you are looking for some DELICIOUS NSNG approved recipes, check out this amazing low carb low sugar cook book called "Eat Happy". It is available on Amazon by clicking the photo below or click here

Eat Happy, Gluten Free, Grain Free, Low Carb Recipes

4. Triglycerides Decrease & 5. Increased Levels of the "Good" Cholesterol

I have not been to my doctor to get any tests done since beginning NSNG so I cannot confirm if this has been the case for me, but I will begin monitoring this and provide updates on future blog posts.


This blog is to share with you, my fitness journey that me and my soon to be wife are on. I will share what we have been eating, workouts I'll be doing and lots of other fitness related things that work for US. 

I'm not saying this is what you should do necessarily, but i hope to inspire folks to think and ask questions about their health and fitness.

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